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Good Branding should have staying power…

My mom will tell you that I literally came into the world singing commercial jingles. It was clear to my mother at my very young age that I would end up in advertising, branding and marketing as a profession. As a small child, I remember “suffering” through the TV programming, waiting with bated breath for the commercials to come on. One in particular, the Enjoli commercial, was one that I would sing at the top of my lungs in my pink, Barbie high heels. Say what you will about this commercial and its downright tribute to feminism, because as a kid of the 70s, it spoke to me. I can still sing it in my head, and that is what good branding is…the kind that has staying power. Jingles are still around, and they work, people. They work. This worked for. me. I may have outgrown my barbie heels, but I sure as heck will put on a pair of stilettos, make dinner, throw together a web site and then sit on the couch with a nice buttery chard and celebrate the badassery that is my womanhood.

This enjoli commercial started it all for me. It favors women who have their schtick together. It’s feminism on steroids. It’s CEO Society.

If a marketing agency’s job is to give your brand staying power, you better believe that is what we will do. We will bring home your branding, fry it up in our pan, and never, never let your customers forget about your brand...

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