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Video still reigns supreme as a 2024-2025 marketing tool.

People buy from people. Period. They buy from people the like and people they know. The uptrend to video started long ago, and some jumped on the bandwagon early enough to become Content Creators or Influencers. These people put the power of sales into their ability to sell it personally. And it worked. It launched a whole new movement to create a sense of community and a sense of celebrity, if you will, as one person began to have the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media. If you have the time and budget to find those influencers, that can be a sound marketing strategy, but if you’re a small business, chances are your buyers are in your back yard, and you need grass roots tactics to find them. YOU can make your own video. You just need to make a plan and answer their questions. It’s that simple.

As an agency, we are huge advocates of using video as a marketing tool. At the end of the day, buyers seek answers to questions. It is up to you to be able to answer those questions. With Google being the primary tool for this research and with video consistently ranking high in the search engines for answering these questions, you need to be there. Whether TikTok, YouTube or both (likely, you need both), buyers still use this tool to find answers. Don’t just take our word for it…look at these statistics.

  • 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.
  • 96% of video marketers say video marketing has increased user understanding of their product or service.
  • 91% say video marketing has helped them increase traffic.
  • 89% of people say watching a video has convinced them to buy a product or service.
  • 79% of people say watching a video has convinced them to buy a software or app.

We are often asked the million dollar question – TikTok or YouTube? When answering this question, it becomes about demographics (your buyers and their behaviors). TikTok is all the rage for the younger demographic. These peeps have shorter attention spans, they are tech-savvy, and they want their information quickly. On the other hand, YouTube draws all demographics, including one in three baby boomers which, depending on your target customer, you’ll need to decide where to spend your time marketing. If your buyers are older, YouTube is for you. If your buyers are younger, TikTok it is. If you have a mixed bag like we do as a business…BOTH!

TikTok, the pioneer of the “short-form video content movement” – which essentially means shorter videos and a lot of them for maximum impact and short attention spans – is expected to reach 1.8 billion active users by the end of 2024. TikTok users are hungry for bite-size, engaging, entertaining content – so if your info entertains, you’ll probably sell to this group.
Nearly half of Gen Z are utilizing TikTok and Instagram for search purposes instead of using Google search engines.

And then, there is YouTube. It allows brands to plan a long-form video strategy that has longevity. Different from it’s short-cycle TikTok alter-ego, YouTube has more staying power. There are video tutorials still indexed on YouTube from years ago, when I first tried to teach myself graphic design. If you create video that educates and informs and entertains in the process, you have a marketing medium with some staying power.

We’re not YouTube or Video experts, but we know enough to get you going. Find out more about our video services by scheduling a consultation.

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